Max - you and I think alike... I'd like to pitch you for investment in the solution to this pay2play corporate (captured) media controlling our voter information mess. We're building a new social elections campaigning platform that connects candidates and voters direclty on an online, mobile, and social platform - think 2-sided marketplace. Think eBay, Craigslist, Online Dating, Yelp, Zillow, Uber, Airbnb, etc... The content is produced by the candidates - we just oganize it on an intertive sample ballot (app) and give voters lots of tools to favorite, rank, comment, endorse, share, etc... I'd be happy to demo any time you have a few minutes. gillis.jim@gmail.com or jim@winmyvote.com

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I agree ( and also subscribed). Also check out my podcast at Stonefruit Media on Youtube. https://stonefruit.substack.com/p/mavens-technocrats-and-salesmen-of?s=w

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